International Student Health Insurance
Medical, hospital and dental care in Canada can be very expensive. International students are not covered by the Canadian governments public health plan and must arrange health coverage.
All international students attending CDSBEO must purchase health insurance coverage through the CDSBEO International Education Office. CDSBEO has partnered with , a leading Canadian provider of health insurance to international students in Canada. Insurance forms, and instructions on what to do if a student needs medical care in Canada, are issued to all international students upon their arrival in Eastern Ontario.
Please visit our StudyInsured website for coverage details.
If you need to see a doctor at any time day or night, please call 1.866.883.9787 to receive instructions for using the insurance from the StudyInsured™ Assistance team. In life-threatening situations, dial 911 first and make sure to call StudyInsured™ Assistance within 48-hours. The Assistance team must be notified of serious injuries and illnesses as soon as possible for full claim payment.
Being an international student can be stressful. Support your mental health by speaking directly to a counsellor by calling 1.866.883.9787. The phone line is open 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week and the service is available in 180 languages.